From their secret headquarters (currently located somewhere in Melbourne's south), Twinkle&Jones wander the streets collecting unique artefacts and images for use in their work. Carrying at least 4 cameras, 2 sketchbooks and more pencils than most people could use in a lifetime, the pair leave no hidden gem unturned, usually dragging their findings back to their quaint studio for analysis. The rattlings of Twinkle's sewing machine can often be heard late into the night, whilst Jones is usually found out and about as early as 4am, beating the crowds to the best haunts.

Urban Decay

Urban Decay is an ongoing project about the beautiful city of Sydney. Whilst many people associate Sydney with picture postcard perfectness, we see it rather differently. Hand painted signs are plentiful here in Sydney, though our favourites are the ones that have seen better days. Almost every street has at least one filthy, sad sign, and yet, unlike the nasty shiny plastic signs of the High Streets of England, as these ones get older, their charm shines through. Full album here.

Urban Decay